Here in Spain, applying for permits is different to what we are used to. Last week we submitted a 124 page report to the Town hall. When this is approved, the application to renovate can finally start. Our aim is to start the demolition of the existing building at the beginning of January. So we just have to be patient otherwise the stress is building up and it is just too hot for that at the moment. Unlike in the Netherlands, all building work stops here for 2 months during the tourist season, it is impossible to arrange anything quickly. Fortunately, our accountant says that everything is still on schedule, so we remain optimistic.
We have printed business cards in order to keep everyone we know or meet, up to date with our plans. Shortly we will also inform the locality by means of a large canvas advertisement, of our renovation plans and the name of the new restaurant. Furthermore, we have received the first sketches showing how it will look after the renovation. Although everything is still open to change, as we are still in the creative process. There have been so many positive reactions to the photo which we posted on social media, and other channels, that the proposed image will certainly be maintained. Below we give a first impression, providing you with a taste of the atmosphere that we want to create.
Like always hospitable greetings,