Unexpectedly, we have faced a nasty construction halt at our beautiful project restaurant MESA. This as a result of an action that should not have happened yet without permission. Foolish of course because now our planning is completely disrupted. But didn’t Johan once said “every disadvantage has its advantage”? We’re still looking for the advantage 😃 but we’ll find out for ourselves. Unfortunately, we will have to wait quietly to see when we are allowed and able to start again, and then we will be able to adjust our schedule immediately and inform you accordingly. Of course, our hope is that we will get a positive answer soon. We know that everyone involved in this project is doing their utmost for that. But in all fairness, it could also just take 4 to 6 months. And that would mean that this year is lost. We also want to communicate this honestly with you, as we wrote in our first newsletter ever, “we want to be completely transparent”. That also immediately avoids all sorts of wild-west stories. But we hope the soup will not be eaten so hot. What we were still planning is to organise something for you in May. If there are no objections, we will think of something fun. Then every disadvantage has its advantage!
For now, warm hospitality,