
New restaurant in Benitachell


Many have noticed that restaurant Rusty’s has been empty for a while. Many wonder what will happen there? Will there be a new restaurant or will the whole place be demolished and something else will be set up. With this first message we hope to lift a first tip of the veil.

There will be a new restaurant in this unique place at the bottom of the “Cumbre”, but like many who stay longer in Spain, that unfortunately does not happen from one day to the next. A renovation will only be successful if all permits have been issued and unfortunately that takes a long time. What is our plan then? We expect to be able to start the renovation early next year. We are working hard to open as a target date of June 2023. We will regularly inform you about the state of affairs by means of nice messages on our website and socials. It is very important to us that as a new guest at Mesa Benitachell you are kept informed from the beginning until the opening of our new restaurant.

We are happy to share everything with you. The drawings, the name of our restaurant, staff, etc. You will then increasingly get an impression of what feeling and vibe we want to radiate. In our first post we would like to share the name with you. Our restaurant in Benitachell will be called….


A restaurant that gets a ……….. character and a ………. appearance. But more on that later. You can keep track of everything via our website We hope that in the coming months, like us, you will become enthusiastic about this project.

With hospitable greetings,