
Our search for tables and chairs


We have recently been very busy choosing, amongst other things, suitable tables and chairs for our new venture. This involved having some made to scale in order to position them and determine how many we can place, based on the architect’s drawing. After a lot of moving around we determined that there should be space to seat 220 guests, providing of course, that our kitchen can handle this amount. Down-sizing was a better option, we believe in quality over quantity. Next decision: how many 80×80 tables to choose, sized for your comfort whilst eating, also choosing circular tables, high “bar” tables and of course one large table for private dining for an intimate group of friends.

All decisions not to be taken lightly, re-ordering is no problem but returning over-ordered goods could well be. Not forgetting the importance of choosing exterior quality, able to withstand rain as well as sun. During the selection process we also came across some authentic Indian ceiling panels, from a house due for demolition. These unique pieces will be repurposed to make Pergolas, thus creating our special MESA ambiance.

Our next task is to decide the date for our “smash a brick” drinks event! This depends on the date that our demolition can begin and whether or not we then still have electricity. So, to all our interested followers, watch this space for your invitation!

One last thing that we are enthusiastic about, we came across these beautiful model elephants who will be greeting you at our doors. We just had to have them, see the photos below, I’m sure you will agree, they add a special something and give a taste of things to come.

As always, hospitable greetings…….,