
The first step in our renovation


After a very hot summer, we are entering a new, more peaceful season. The holiday makers have left, whilst the temperature is still great during the daytime. A good time to concentrate on our renovation plans. All licenses have finally been submitted to the town hall, and we expect them all to be approved before the end of the year, so all things being equal we can finally start demolishing and rebuilding. As we mentioned in a previous bulletin, the license application process is slightly different to say, in the Netherlands: for example we suddenly had to submit a Flood plan, (which hasn’t occurred for over a hundred years) but ok, we engaged a specialized company to compete the paperwork. Then came an order to supply an evacuation plan, which we also submitted. So we rolled with the punches and now feel able to continue, the budget has been approved, and is final.

Our next project is to source furniture and interior design elements to do justice to a top class restaurant and lounge bar. We include a few images to give you an impression of the atmosphere we are aiming for. The most frequently asked question is of course “When will you open”? Our aim is for July next year. This being dependent on two factors; One, the contractor being able to start work in January, and two, we are praying that the rains in March are less than this year when it rained for 5 weeks straight. Great for the gardens but not so good for us! On a positive note then, July 2023 is our target date.

As always, hospitable greetings,